Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Update 11/17/10

So I got up to page 9 out of 13 in the script as far as editing goes. There are a list of things I don't like... The first of which, the lighting is inconsistent, in compensation for the fact that we didn't have more than two days to film at the main location, so color correction is way way off. Also, pacing is not good throughout. I never thought I would have to say it, but the cuts are too fast.

Another factor I am unhappy with is just how much footage was shot, versus the amount of time actually being used in the final edit. So far I'm going on 3 minutes. I expect it to be somewhere around 5... maybe a tiny bit more once I extend some clips.

That being said, one thing I am relatively happy with is the beginning, up until the credits stop.

Because I spent so much time cataloging, editing didn't go as quickly as I would've liked either. Honestly I'm a bit disappointed in myself. Stuff just didn't go at all as planned this time.

That being said, I'm going to spend today and this weekend editing the rest of my film until I get something that works and it's finished, so I have a full video lock. When I get back from Thanksgiving I'm going to spend the weekend dealing with sound.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Work Update 11-9-10

We went through a final rehearsal of the fight sequence Friday night. Then we filmed all day Saturday, and from the afternoon to evening on Sunday. So, I got all of my filming done this weekend. That took about 26 hours in all, so by the time we got done Sunday it was too late to do much else.

Filming for the fight scene went relatively smoothly. Filming for the other scenes took a little more time. Also, we were having constant problems with lighting consistencies (mostly because of the large amount of windows around us... when it got dark, stuff got dicey). I'm hoping some of it can be fixed in post production/color correction.

Digitizing is done. Because of how much work and time was involved with the project this week (as far as filming and digitizing goes), I'm going to request a work day so I can start editing in class. Attempting to start editing outside of class at this juncture would not result in anything usable in the final product in my opinion.

I realized, looking back at the shoes Brian (Chris) is wearing, that they are a bit too normal. I'll take the hit for that. I didn't even think about it until after I saw the footage. At the same time, it's just going to have to be that way, hopefully with me being able to edit around it as much as possible (getting that location again isn't really possible). On the plus side, everything is filmed. Now it's just up to me to be able to edit everything the way I need to....

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Filming week 1

So we had several bumps in the road. I won't make any excuses. Many of the things that cropped up were simply a lack of foresight on my part... especially since this is such a long script, and the shots need to be so involved. I'm crossing my fingers that this next weekend will go a little more smoothly, but all I can do is cross my fingers, organize everything I can, and do the best I possibly can. The location we have is actually a lot more spacious (and beautiful) than I had originally thought. Which is awesome! Every time I see the full room in the sunlight, it makes me want to do a wide shot.

Anyway, this coming week on Saturday (and the beginning of Sunday if necessary) is Chris's close-up shots (which I'm going to cut down to the essentials in the interest of time), the wider shots, the fight scene, and the beginning and ending scenes.

On Sunday Evening, I'm going to film the Secretary's and Clare's scenes. I expect those to go quickly and smoothly.

Rough Sketch from two small scenes

First Sketch For 2 Small Scenes Cinema Project from Celia Mitchell on Vimeo.

This is a very rough sketch that I did of 2 very small scenes. Since most of the footage I have right now is from one person's point of view, or close-up, it's kind of impossible to put together any of the other clips...