That being said, I've now taken a few minutes to really look back at the work I've done for the last two weeks and view the final product. The sound work I believe is actually pretty good. The cuts are much, much better. The color correction though... that still makes me cringe. Six hours later of sitting there with multiple windows open for references of other scenes while color correcting as much to a "T" as possible and there are still spots that make me want to throw my hands up in the air. There are some spots that are quite nice, and others that are clearly not. Matching the different sources of light together with different angles of shots has been a complete nightmare. That said, the obvious lesson taken away from this is to attempt to always film in the same light or try harder to make it appear as if it is the same light throughout.
In the end, considering where I started with this project and how much it's changed since then. I am quite pleased with the end result, as I hope others will be too.
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